One way this occurs is by confusing data flow diagrams with use case diagrams. 发生的方式之一是将数据流图和用例图混淆在一起。
In addition the model shows data flow to local repositories. 另外,该模型显示了到局部存储库的数据流。
The UIMA framework manages the components and the data flow between them. UIMA框架管理组件和在它们之间流动的数据。
The streaming utility within Hadoop implements a type of data flow glue. Hadoop内的流实用工具实现了一种数据流胶的类型。
Finally, review the business model and data flow. 最后,检查业务模型和数据流。
It controls the data flow between the data system A and B in this case. 在此案例中,集成层控制数据系统A和B之间的数据流。
Data flow analysis can examine problems that span multiple classes. 数据流分析可以检查跨越多个类的问题。
Data flow analysis examines compiled code to identify potential memory and resource problems. 数据流分析检查了汇编的代码,以识别潜在的内存和资源问题。
After you have gained an understanding of the data flow and established standards, you now have a plan. 在了解数据流和已建立的标准之后,您现在已经有了计划。
Are the server system and network robust enough to handle the expected warehouse data flow? 服务器系统和网络是否健壮得足以处理期望的仓库数据流?
System network configuration, system software design, system data structure and data flow are introduced. 叙述了系统网络结构、系统软件设计、系统数据结构以及数据流程。
Using this transformation, a package can add text and images stored in separate files to a data flow. 通过此转换,包可将存储于各个单独文件中的文本和图像添加到数据流中。
The data flow diagram describes the logical system. 数据流程图描述了逻辑系统。
Separate design surfaces for package control flow, data flow, and event handlers. 区分包控制流、数据流和事件处理程序的设计图面。
Methods CPR's system design was described by function modules, data flow and system characteristics. 方法通过功能模块、数据流程、系统特性三方面来描述CPR的系统设计;
Requirements of pharmacy patent database are analyzed and discussed, and an outline design in data flow is presented. 对药物专利数据库进行了需求分析和讨论,提出了基于数据流图的概要设计。
Now, the common used methods of classes testing are state-based testing and data flow testing. 当前,类测试常用的方法是基于状态的测试和数据流测试。
This paper will also introduce software system components, software and data flow chart with the source. 本文也将介绍软件系统的组成,并提供软件的数据流程图与源程序。
The data flow diagram defines the system's necessary functions; how might they be implemented? 数据流程图确定了系统的必须具有的功能,如何才能实现这些功能呢?
Flow limits control the rate and duration for each data flow. 数据流限制控制每一个数据流的速率和持续时间。
Data flow Data stream mining Methods; 数据流;数据流挖掘;方法;
Optionally, add control flow, data flow tasks, and event handlers to the package. 还可以向包中添加控制流、数据流任务和事件处理程序。
Data flow between Financial Accounting and the other components of the SAP System is ensured by automatic updates. 财务会计(FI)与其他SAP系统组件之间的数据流自动更新以确保正确。
This paper proposes an approach to data flow testing for components using model checking. 提出了一种用模型检验进行构件数据流测试的方法。
The analyses performed for optimizing transformations are all classified as data flow analyses, or flow analyses. 在变换最优化中执行的这些分析都被划归为数据流分析或流分析。
On top of the semantic model is the "Control and Data Flow Analysis APIs". 在语义模型之上是“控制和数据流分析API”。
Figure 9.3 shows a preliminary data flow diagram for the inventory system. 图9.3展示了货单管理系统的初步的数据流程图。
The system Structure Microcode Engine and their Data flow diagram are given. 分别给出了相应的系统结构、微码引擎、数据流图。
The framework provides utility classes that can be used for testing content rendering, navigation and data flow. Wicket框架提供的实用工具类可以测试内容渲染、导航和数据流。